
Contact My Office Today

    When you are faced with overwhelming debt or you need an experienced attorney to protect your personal or business interests, please contact me as soon as possible. As your lawyer, I will take the time to answer your questions, identify your legal needs and work strategically to achieve an optimal outcome in your case.

    For more information, feel free to call, send an email, or you can reach my Fort Collins, Colorado, office by filling out the form below:

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Take Action Now to Protect Your Rights

    The sooner an experienced lawyer is involved in your case, the more opportunities you will have to protect your rights and interests. Whether your legal matter is simple or complex, I am prepared to review the facts of your case, identify an appropriate legal course of action and work strategically to protect your rights. With decades of experience, I have the skill and practical knowledge to meet your personal and business goals.

Allen R Schwartz Attorney at Law
  • 215 W. Oak Street, Suite 600 Fort Collins, CO 80521
  • Office Phone Number : 970 493 0456
  • Office Fax Number : 970 224 1199
  • Email :